Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is the story of my poor big toe…

Four days ago….I was trying to tidy up the union room... and Amalia…. another PhD student was helping me……we wanted to get access to the freezer, clean it...but there were some stuff around it and the heaviest one was the union marquee….

I was pulling it and Amalia was pushing it….. it did not move at first... then …… suddenly moved and hit my right big toe and the nail went off….oooff ...very painful..…. Then I pushed back the nail to save it (I know it was stupid but simply I did not want to lose it!!)….and then I covered it using first aid-dressing to stop bleeding while she was informing the security guys….

At the end some friends took me to a local hospital and the doctor took my nail off.

Now after four days dreadful sleeping …I have got cold!!

The nail itself was painful but the injection (three times) into my toe was more awful!!

I can walk like a duck ….but I do cycle much better…

Well….it was an experience…a bad one….and I was lucky…it could be worse,,, even I could have fraction in my toe…so I am happy…

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